19th December, 2018

Here's What Happens When You Don't Make NYE Plans

"Got NYE plans?” you get asked in late November. You nod and shrug it off, of course, you’re going to party it up big, but it’s more than a month away, so you casually put off buying passes. Same question, the first week of December, same thoughts. You now start to see flashy party invites with discounts and sales all over social media, you register for them mentally, but stick to postponing actually buying said passes. The second week- nod, shrug, repeat. “What’re we doing for NYE?” your best friend/SO asks you in the third week, and if you still follow the nod and shrug, I’m sorry, but your NYE might just suck. If you read this and still put off booking for an NYE party, here’s what’s gonna happen on the most happening day of the year.

1) The Last Minute Visit to your Adda

Do all the last minute glamming up you and your friends can, rush to the pub that is your, grab a couple of drinks- maybe a dinner, toast to the New Year, doesn’t sound bad at all, right? Except that even your adda is going to be crowded as ever, and some other gang of friends is going to be in your usual spot. This is if you’re lucky. But mostly, even your favourite little bar probably has a DJ night and bouncers at the door who will deny you entry unless you have passes to the party.

2) A Hasty House Party

Now don’t get me wrong, I am a big believer in house parties, I love them. But the last-minute house party at 9 pm, with your friends that don’t have plans, is a huge fail. From personal experience: liquor shops run out of the kind of booze you want to party with, or the prices for the same are skyrocketing around this time of the day.

Also, let’s face it, 90% of your friends are already out there partying because they did not miss out on discounted party passes, or are having an exotic destination NYE. Those who remain are either people that don’t like to party and are there because you forced them to party or procrastinators who’d rather be partying out. RIP mood and festive cheer. :(

3) You Settle for Binge-Watching TV

You never realise how bad television programmes on NYE until you have to spend one at home. The stale- old romcoms, party movies, or televised New Year Parties- all of which make you realise you could be out there partying with your friends, meeting someone new and dancing the year away, but nope, this is what you get for procrastinating.

4) You Get into Bed and Scroll Through Social Media

This is the last resort. Like any other day, you crawl into bed and check your phone. Matters only get worse, unfortunately, because Instagram is full of your friends’ fabulous party outfits at flashy venues, their fancy drinks and delicious finger food. The FOMO hits really hard when you see your gang’s Facebook check-ins, followed by drunken videos of them goofing up. Whatsapp stories are flooding too, with your aunts and uncles dancing to retro songs while sipping their whiskies. You toss and turn around in bed, replying to “Happy New Year” forwards.

We’ve all had New Year’s such as this one. They’re sad, and you don’t want to go back there. So hurry up and get your New Year Plans sorted, and quick, buy passes while you still can!



by Supritha Manjunath