

Quistek is a one-of-a-kind electronic music DJ and producer who’s sound spectrum goes from psychedelic house with an Arabian influence for sundowners to dark underground minimalism when the vibe during peak hours demands it. The ability to create a fitting vibe no matter who he’s playing for is what makes Quistek stand out, and that talent was recognised both when he was first signed by Submerge in 2015, and when he won the INCA DJ of The Year, Pune Award in 2019. His Label Releases under Lump Records, TRNDMSK, Kosa Records & NRTYA are only additional bonuses for his career as a musician. Quistek has built his own crowd over time that resonates with his music, and the genre he specializes in has made him a perfect addition to major music festivals like VH1 Supersonic, Satellite Beachside, Inscape (2018 & 2019) and Enchanted Valley Carnival to name a few.

Past Events (1)
House Of Freedom | House Of Chapora 96 %
House Of Freedom | House Of Chapora
Aug 15
House Of Freedom | House Of Chapora
Thursday 08:00 PM - House of Chapora · H.No 340/2 Village Anjuna-Caisua · Goa
Dj Night
· Others
· Techno
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